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Volvo penta lower alternator bolt failure

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Volvo penta lower alternator bolt failure

I have an Oceanis 351, with a Volvo penta 2030. Twice, now, the 2" lower pivot bolt holding the alternator to the engine has failed, at the point it enters the blind threaded block, welded to the engine.

I carry a spare after the first time, but it is not a change I fancy carrying out at sea – as the stud remains in the block pretty much flush and needs teasing / tapping out. I will now carry a shorter emergency belt, and bypass the alternator, should it happen again (please no! ) – as this is more realistic in a seaway.

There has been no associated issues that I am aware of which may have caused this (such as sudden loads). However, both times it happened after I re-started the engine following a short break – but after the engine was previously at full operating temperature (more than 2 hours running) maybe it is more brittle then ??

Suffice to say, I am not best pleased with this seeming metal fatigue problem, and am thinking of options or modifications.

Am I alone in having this problem ? Any views or suggestions?
